Why Active Downtowns Are Good for Business
Downtowns are the heart of local economies and are treasured by their communities. Many municipalities (our own included) prioritize downtown development because it is good for business and helps draw people to explore all other aspects of their communities.
A bustling downtown makes a great first impression and holds the pulse of community activity. Intuitively, everyone knows that an active downtown is good for business… but why exactly is that?
Increased Foot Traffic
Strolling along Main Street, you can’t help but walk by a variety of shops with displays designed to entice you to go inside and see what else this business has to offer. It’s a numbers game: the more people walking by your business, the more people who will pop in. A business can put out as many radio ads, billboards, and flyers as they like but nothing is more effective than a potential customer right on your doorstep.
Opportunities for Collaboration
The more, the merrier when it comes to downtown business. When customers know that they will have a choice, they are more likely to visit an area. Even if that customer doesn’t end up on your doorstep, the increased traffic is sure to benefit your establishment. Restaurants can offer up their best burgers for Burger Week, retail outlets can coordinate sidewalk sales, and street buskers can take advantage of the crowds all in the same place! Businesses can also be good neighbours and refer customers to other venues to find what they are looking for. These referrals are not only great for business but they clearly demonstrate a collaborative attitude and a sense of community. When local businesses communicate and collaborate, everyone wins!
Authentic Experiences
Every downtown has its own vibe. Our downtown has a vision of being a vibrant and active downtown core with a welcoming, safe, and comfortable vibe where people gather to shop, work, and have fun. Our priorities are engaging in activity and investing in anything that will help make that vision a reality. When people visit downtown Sussex, they have an experience, and that particular experience can only happen if everyone is on board and visitors and businesses alike have agreed that downtown Sussex is an experience all on its own.
Community Building
Downtowns are gathering spaces for businesses but also the people who shop at them. An active downtown fosters a sense of community pride and engagement, helping people feel connected to their community as well as the businesses that operate within it. It’s the relationships built in this space that create customer loyalty and ensure repeat business. People want to support businesses that they know are involved in and support community initiatives. While the businesses themselves have a role to play, hosting events in their proximity increases this sense of place, fostering civic engagement and a stronger sense of belonging.
Economic Growth and Job Creation
A strong local economy starts with a vibrant and active downtown. We love our local businesses as a place to shop but we also appreciate them for the jobs and opportunities that they create. Our own downtown employs hundreds of people! Additionally, the economic activities in the downtown which include events bring additional tax revenue to the municipality to continue investing in the community (downtown included).
Active Downtowns Benefit All!
Active downtowns play a crucial role in driving economic growth, fostering community connections, and creating unique experiences for residents and visitors. The combination of increased foot traffic, collaboration among businesses, and a strong sense of community contributes to the success of our downtown establishments. By embracing and supporting active downtowns, we can create thriving economic hubs that serve as the heart and soul of our community.